SimMobility is an agent-based demand and supply urban transportation simulation platform including passenger and freight. It aims to serve as the nexus of Future Mobility research evaluations, bringing unique characteristics. It integrates various mobility-sensitive behavioral models with state-of-the-art scalable simulators to predict the impact of mobility demands on transportation networks, intelligent transportation services (such as mobility-on-demand) and vehicular emissions. Thus, the platform enables the simulation of the effects of a portfolio of technology, policy and investment options under alternative future scenarios, SimMobility encompasses the modeling of millions of agents, from pedestrians to drivers, from phones and traffic lights to GPS, from cars to trucks, buses and trains, from second-by-second to year-by-year simulations. Moreover, it represents decisions in a dynamic plan-action decision making framework.n dense urban areas, leading to traffic congestion. Smaller and nimbler vehicles, such as cargo-cycles, by design struggle to compete in distance range and carrying capacity. However, a system of cargo-cycles completed with strategically located cargo-storing hubs can overcome some limitations of the cargo-cycles. Past research provides a limited perspective on how demand characteristics and parking conditions in urban areas are related to potential benefits of this system. To fulfill this gap, we propose a model to simulate the performance of different operational scenarios - a truck-only scenario and a cargo-cycle with mobile hubs scenario – under different delivery demand and parking conditions. We apply the model to a case-study where the exploration of alternative demand scenarios informs how demand characteristics influence the viability of the solution. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis clarifies the contributing factors to the demonstrated results.